Three events in Andy Astrachan‘s life informed the three pillars of philanthropy of the charitable foundation bearing his initials.
The first was an invitation by the principal of the 112th Street Elementary School in South Central Los Angeles to mentor a group of students and help the school obtain resources. The second was a trip to Africa to participate in the digging of a water well in a remote rural village. The third was his own cancer diagnosis.
Driven by the steadfast belief that everyone deserves the opportunity to reach their fullest potential, the AJA Foundation’s primary focus is providing access globally to clean water, affordable healthcare, and quality childhood education.
We invest in these areas because we believe them to be essential human rights fundamental to human development that must be equitably distributed, not skewed towards wealth and privilege.
Recognizing that nobody achieves success on their own and believing that all of us have a moral obligation to help lift up those less fortunate, the AJA Foundation is the result of Andy‘s hands-on life experiences and desire to pay forward the immeasurable help and support he received.